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Healthy Parenting

Healthy Parenting is not as easy as some think it is, it’s one of the most researched areas in social science today. Have you as a parent ask yourself what you really want from your child. Parenthing your child the right way can go a long way in shaping your child’s health both physically and psychological.

Healthy Parenting conforms your child’s confidence as they grow. who they become can greatly be influenced by the the decisions you take as a parent and the various parenting choices you make. Just the perfect mix of love, affection, authority and strict handedness are all what it takes to try and be the best parent for your little one.

How do you correct your little ones when they are wrong?

Experience they say is the best teacher. We all learn from our mistakes, don’t we? Similarly your child will! Hence, every time your child runs around the house trying to fiddle and explore, don’t run after him. Let him be. Watch him try and fail, fall and get up, and you shall be doing him a world of good that way. Parenting is not about taking charge of anything and everything your child does and clipping his wings of passion as most people take it to be(you might be guilty of that); instead, it’s about having faith in your child and teaching him to value freedom and use it the right way. This way, you get to teach your child resilience and how to be self-reliant.

Does healthy parenting positively affect the child and helpparents?

I bet you’ll love it when your children grow up to become responsible citizens, loved and honored by all? And if your kid really learns to respect freedom and become disciplined from an early age, it just saves your sanity and emotional balance too!

Healthy parenting is a gradual process

Healthy parenting is a habit that the parents and the kids should grow with. These can be achieved by:

They Also Need Encouragement

You may be the career or workaholic person, but try and be the daddy dearest for your lovely little one. Get back home, play with him and see all inhibitions disappear.
Cuddle up with your baby and a book and read out to him every day! Your voice will affect him positively and he would probably want to hear of you more. This induces imagination and creative power in the child and may make him an avid reader in the future.

Lead by example. Show him with your behavior and practicality the way you would want him/her to be later on in life. Make sure he learns and learns the right things by watching you. If your child sees you tackle and come out of a sticky situation with a cool head on your shoulders, he’s sure to imbibe the attitude in him as well. Be the captain your child needs, and he shall score big.

And lastly, try and make your child inculcate in him the belief that it’s not always important to do the right things, rather try and do things right. Street-smartness is something your little beloved will ever thank you for.

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